Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

i like that song (:
incidents that happened this week:
monday-nothing |:
tuesday-got a gold and bronze (:
wednesday-gold :D
thursday-roasted my hair while doing the pemateri thingy ):
friday- temaned audrey to run to the toilet and back just to burn out the calories she gained from eating a piece of wedges .lol o_0
just got my tan back from prefect marching.everybody hates marching.Firstly, we have to endure the so called 'sweet' aroma of the rubbish dump.Secondly, we have to be baked alive under the blazing sun while the commander stands under a shade of a palm tree
he was like looking up at the tree and seeing himself under the shade .then he looked back at us and i thought he was gonna put us under the shade too.but.he asked us to move back 3 steps.i'm like wth la== got a lil pissed off.haha
and so many ppl pontenged marching ya know..dunno why i'm such a good prefect to attend it.sighh..curse the person who didn't put me in deco and mascot.even Karluis didn't go for it and his excuse was he was too
i'm running out of snacks i scouting my whole house for food.and guess what i found upstairs in the storage room.a secret stash of food waiting to be exported to my siblings. can't believe my mom went out to buy food for them secretly and not for
and so, i took 2 packets of biscuits

just 2 packets won't hurt. right??hahaha
better tape the tear up before my mom finds

gtg clean temple now

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